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- Contact the Ombudsperson
Are you unsure where to find help, involved in a difficult conflict, or wrestling with an ethical dilemma?
The Faculty Ombudsperson can assist you by providing information about University policies, procedures, and resources; coaching you through tough conversations and circumstances; facilitating conflict resolution; or just listening and serving as a resource as you evaluate options and make decisions. No problem is too small to seek input from the Faculty Ombudsperson.
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The Faculty Ombudsperson Office is not a part of the University administration.
The Faculty Ombudsperson Office provides informal conflict resolution assistance for those who voluntarily seek its services.
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The Faculty Ombudsperson does not take sides in any matter.
Location & Contact
WVU Faculty Ombudsperson Office is located in Morgan House, on the Downtown
Campus, behind the Mountain Lair.
Morgan House (Office 200)
660 N High Street
Morgantown, WV 26506
Please contact the Faculty Ombudsperson at (304) 293-6338 to schedule an appointment.
Additional Location & Contact Information
Meet the Faculty Ombudsperson